Eli had his first real laugh the other day. Rebecca was tickling him and giving him zerberts and he let out the cutest little cackle. He's only done it a couple times since but we know it's there and can't wait for him to do it more. I guess as parents, we must learn to be funnier.
He also slept through his first UNC/duke game, which was a good thing considering the result. Sleeping through the game also meant that he didn't have to hear his dad's sailor mouth and the spewing vitriol that usually accompanies these rivalry games (I'm a UNC alum and Rebecca was a fan since she was little). Hopefully, I will be able to get my demeanor during games in check before he starts learning to repeat what I say. I don't think it's a real issue except during games against duke, where I can't hide how much I loathe them.