All three of us packed into the car on Friday to head to Greensboro for a cousin's wedding. We went to a hotel where they had the after rehearsal party. There was a lot of floor for Eli to crawl around on and he got to see tons of people. I left with him around 8 to go back to Rebecca's sister's house and Rebecca stayed to hang out. Eli ended up going to sleep an hour later than normal...not too bad, right? Well, imagine our dismay when he woke up at 4 in the morning and would not go back to sleep. Since we didn't want to wake up the whole household, including an almost two-year old in the next room, we opted to get in the car and cruise around. We didn't have to go far before we saw a 24 hour IHOP so we decided to get breakfast to kill some time. At the restaurant, Eli was the life of the place, smiling and flirting with everyone around him. What a little stinker. That 4 am start was the earliest in probably the last 5 months. Brutal. It does look like he's got a couple more teeth coming in so maybe that played a part.