Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Monday, May 5, 2008

Big weekend for a little guy

Eli had a monster weekend. On Friday there was a rally at the Carrboro Town Commons for Barack Obama. He wasn't scheduled to attend this particular rally but we got tickets to see the bands that were performing, Superchunk and Arcade Fire. The tickets were free, you just had to wait in line for them a week earlier. Eli couldn't have been better at the rally. There were a couple big awnings (the concert was outside) where we were able to hang out with him in the shade. The music was loud but not too loud and he even went to sleep near the end. It was his first concert and he got to see two quality bands.

Immediately after the concert, our plan was to head down to the Pamlico River where Rebecca's family has a cottage. Our first family vacation! It's a three hour drive and we were concerned with how Eli was going to handle it, especially after the over-stimulation of the show. He got a little fussy once or twice but only for a couple minutes before settling back into sleep. He's a real trooper because his parents were doing their best job trying to ruin his schedule all weekend. It's nice to know we can travel that kind of distance with him because it's a trip we will be making a few more times this year.