Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Monday, March 23, 2009

The Not-so-well-mannered Eli

So much for the well-mannered little boy.  Our daycare provider has used words such as "turkey" and "stinker" to describe him this week.  He's "that" kid at daycare right now; the one doing the pushing and shoving, the one wielding the word "no" like Excalibur.  He will grow out of this, right?  RIGHT?!  He does like to have fun though.  Check out that flying high-five in the picture.  

The renovations on our house have started and there is dirt and digging going on all over the place.  All Eli wants to do is go outside all the time and now his favorite stoop on the house has been demolished.  Luckily for us, he has developed an interest in the garden hose so we have a distraction.

The weather's turn toward Spring is great for us.  With Eli getting more active physically, being able to go to the park around the corner to let him burn his energy climbing and sliding is a treat.  Each time he comes down the slide he waits until he's at the bottom to say "WEEEE!"  It's a little like that delay between listening to Woody Durham while watching the Heels game on TV but it's quite funny.