The last couple of months have been very busy around our household. The addition we did on the house is pretty much done or, at the very least, done enough for us to move into it. It give our little boy another 400-500 square feet to run in. He loves it and so do we. Much needed space.
I have said before on this blog that Eli has a fearlessness that is both endearing and scary. Over Labor Day Weekend we got to see a new level when our 21 month old was ecstatically jumping off the pier into the Pamlico river. Bear in mind he had a life vest on and was jumping into the waiting arms of mommy, Uncle Mike, or Aunt Em. Regardless, if his cousin could do it, he should be able to as well (his cousin is a year older). I swear this kid will be skydiving by the time he's 10. I don't know where the risk-taker gene came from. I'm still scouring the family tree for that.
My favorite new thing that Eli does is jamming. He will go pick up his little Elmo guitar and then point to me and say, "Daddy, guitar!" This means I have to go get my guitar too. Then Eli says, "Daddy, jam!" That's my cue to start rocking. Eli dances around with his guitar too and he's even starting to add some vocals in there. He wrote his first song a few days ago, an ode to Papi Bill (not me, another family member). When Eli says it, it sounds like Paca Bell. The lyrics, if I remember correctly, are, "Paca Bell, Pacaa Beeeell, Paca Bell, Paca Beeeeeell." You get the point.
Only a couple more months until we officially have a 2 year old! Whoa.