This weekend I got to experience my first Father's Day as a dad. For me, that day has been someone else's day and it's strange to all of a sudden have it be relevant for you. We had a fun weekend... my parents made the trip up and we had a cookout with them. The outfit with the yellow shirt and hat was one that my mom had bought for him so we thought it fitting to wear that on Sunday.
Saturday we met some friends and their 2 year old out at a bluegrass show in Saxapahaw, NC. Try saying that three times fast. It's a show they do every Saturday and it's a great environment. It's outdoors in a natural amphitheater setting, where you can sit on the side of a hill in the shade to watch the show. There were booths set up selling BBQ sandwiches and drinks. We had Eli out past his normal bedtime but he did well in spite of it and even slept til 8:20 the next morning. Very cool.
Eli is getting ever closer to crawling; now he is drawing his knees up under him and flailing in a much more organized fashion. He has still yet to achieve the all-fours position on his own but we are keeping our eye out for it. I always put a toy just out of his reach to give him some incentive and watching him trying to get it looks a lot like a turtle on it's back. Quite funny.
Eli also turned 7 months old on the 16th! Wow.