Eli, Eli, Eli. Babies are smart and most of the time smarter than you give them credit for. Just the other day we were giving Eli some yogurt and he pointed to the yogurt container and said, "Baby!" We turned it around and sure enough there was a picture of a toddler on the side. Very cool. Unfortunately, these little smart moments sometimes manifest themselves in less than ideal ways, like stacking things to use as a step to get to other dangerous places. Eli is all about doing what he wants to do right now, everything and everyone else be damned. What that means is that when his wants clash with ours we are starting to see the makings of some really entertaining temper tantrums. At least you always know where you stand with him. I'm just hoping we can hurry past this stage where disobeying us is "funny" to him. All of this behavior happens to coincide with him starting to give lots of hugs and kisses. What a little manipulator! Seriously, though, there's not much sweeter than your little kid giving you a big hug and kiss before you leave in the morning.