A while back I posted that Eli took a couple falling steps toward me while Rebecca was out of town. Since then this little boy only wants to be on his feet. He's cruising furniture like a pro, standing on his own and falling less and less. This morning he stood up in the middle of the room with nothing to hold on to and took three little steps before sitting himself back down. It certainly won't be long before he turns into a little baby Carl Lewis, running and jumping all over the place. He was able to walk about 4 feet this morning with me holding on to only one of his hands (not that it looked very coordinated) and he's becoming fairly adept at regaining his balance before he totally loses it and bails out.
I almost got him a Hurricanes jersey at the hockey game last night until I saw that they cost 35 dollars. 35?! If I'm spending that much, I'm going to be the one getting a jersey. I'll have to look online because Eli in a hockey jersey means some really cute pictures.