Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Monday, March 31, 2008

The Final Four!

Eli partied a lot this weekend. On Friday night, we went over to a friend's house to watch the basketball games. Traveling anywhere with a four month old means you are carrying 5 times as much stuff around as you used to. He usually goes to bed early so we had the pack and play with us to give us the option of putting him down. Eli, however, was not having it. There were too many cool things going on for him to sleep through it. After all, Davidson was putting a beatdown on Wisconsin! It ended up being a late bedtime and he, like his dad, slept in on Saturday.

He was very excited about the UNC/Louisville game and even though he forgot to wear his lucky UNC bib, the Heels squeaked by to make it to the Final Four. He got to watch the game with his mom and two aunts in Chapel Hill while dad was at a bar in town. What a deadbeat dad.

We have recruited the grandparents to babysit so that Rebecca and I can go out to watch the next game. You can bet Eli won't forget his lucky bib again; it does have a profound impact on the game.