Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

About town

One of our good friends is an amazing artist (Scott and he was taking part in a studio tour for the first couple of weekends in November. We decided to meet up with some people out at his place to look at some art and just catch up on things. Our outing began with a trip to PT's Grille, a great little burger joint in Chapel Hill. Even though Eli loves Cheerios he is at the point now that whatever Rebecca and I are eating is way more interesting to him. He tries almost anything. We even gave him some fresh squeezed lemonade and were ready to capture an awesome sour-face on film but it turns out that he really digs lemonade.

Eli had a couple of playmates at Scott's and they ran around the yard dragging sticks and trying to eat rocks. They really have it figured out. Eli discovered his love for art, touching and trying to pick up any paintings within reach. He was a good sport about the trip as we kept him up long past his naptime.

In other Eli news, we have heard "uh-oh" quite a bit lately. He understands to say it when he falls or drops something and I fear we are getting to the point where he is going to start throwing things on the ground just to have an excuse to say it. He has said "cat" and "book" a handful of times and of course says "mama" and "dada." All of this is pretty sporadic but he definitely likes making noise and experimenting with sounds. He tends to say "mama" a lot more when he's upset, which shows where his loyalties really lie. I know, little buddy, I think she's great too.