Our son loves the guitar. Every time I take it off the wall to play it he comes running over to reach for it. As you can tell from the photo he has figured out the strumming motion that produced the sound from the strings. The kid is a natural. At some point his focus inevitably turns toward the capo and then the tuning pegs which is a no-no. I wrote some music to accompany a couple of his books and songs that we sing to him all the time. He also has a little Elmo guitar of his own that he gets to rock out on in the car.
A couple of days ago he actually said the word 'guitar' while pointing at it. Very cool! It had two syllables and everything! He is starting to get the hang of making some more sounds when he talks. When he first started saying 'please' is came out as 'pee.' Now it sounds like 'peesth.' He's getting there.
Right now Eli sort of looks like Rocky after his first round with Ivan Drago. He has matching mini-shiners from repeated faceplants around the house. One of them is right above his eye from falling forward into the bookshelf. Poor little guy. We are bound to see a lot more of these with the insane amount of climbing this boy tries to do. You can't turn your head for one second. Seriously. He's a thrill seeker. At this rate he'll be skydiving at age 8.