Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

How do you babyproof against pole dancing?

I didn't think we would have to worry about this kind of thing until at least high school. This past weekend down at Pamlico, Eli discovered a love for pole dancing. No one wants this for their child but he seems to truly love it so we will accept him for who he is and love him just the same. I must say, he is a natural and has decent moves.

Eli is now ten months old! He is celebrating by getting another tooth to help him bite off pieces of cantaloupe. A lot has changed in the last few months but two things remain steadfast, his undying love for cheerios and his yellow hammer. This week he's become a fan of the Kinks, particularly The Village Green Preservation Society. In the 'not cool' column, he's not a big fan of the noisy farm book. I think those animal noises weird him out a little bit. Happy 10 months, little guy!