There a lots of things about this stage in Eli's life that we love. When bedtime comes we can ask him "Is it time for night-night?" and he will say "Night-night" and walk to his bedroom door. The second you turn the light out he usually gives you a big hug and a kiss. It really is the sweetest moment of the day and Rebecca hogs it as much as possible. He also likes to read books by himself so it's fun to watch him sit on the couch like an adult and casually flip through The Giant Jam Sandwich as if it's a Cooking Light magazine.
Eli is really into cause and effect so there is a lot of experimenting going on. "I wonder what happens if I push THIS button?" "What will mommy do if I push THIS button?" While this can be exhausting he is soaking a lot in right now. His communication is getting better by leaps and bounds. Some of the words he says are starting to sound more like they are supposed to. Lately he has embraced "Thank you." It's extremely cool to ask your 15 month old if he wants a cracker and have him say "Please" followed by a "Thank You" when you give it to him. Brilliant.