Every once in a while, we actually get snow in North Carolina. The last time we really got a decent snow Eli was only about a year old and had not been walking very long. He didn't even really like the crunching sound of the snow under his feet at that point. The 2 year old incarnation of Eli was all about the snow. He did his first snow angel and we even got started on a snowman that fell by the wayside once we got out the sled. As you can see, he was a fan of the sled and the snow in general. I'm a fan of it too, until 8am Monday morning when I have to navigate these roads to work.
The last two or three weeks Eli has been fighting ear infections, which has been no fun for anyone in our house. As I type this, he is sitting in Rebecca's lap digging at his ear. He is bouncing back though and the sweet boy is making a reappearance, finally replacing the angry, whiny little demon child we have seen recently. Once this stuff is in the rearview mirror we plan on being gluttons and attacking the potty training head-on. Yikes!