Eli turned 20 months old this month! It really seems like he's been part of our lives a lot longer than 20 months. We are in a prime phase right now. Even though we do get the terrible two-esque tantrum from time to time we also get a super sweet little boy who goes right to bed and sleeps through the night. He gives hugs and kisses and says 'love you' before going night-night. Now he is really into helping you do things and that helps us when it comes to everyday life. He helped me clean the den the other day while Rebecca worked in a different part of the house. I picked up some empty wrappers and paper scraps off the counter the other day to throw away and when I turned around he was standing right behind me and said 'helper.' Well, alright then. Have at it, little guy! What a great kid.
There are, of course, those times when he thinks brandishing the broom around the house like a drunk Zorro is a good idea. These times call for time-out. He knows what it is and what it means now. For example, the other day he was trying to hit something. He did it after I told him not too and I said, "Do you need to go to time out?" He replied, "Uh huh" and went and sat in the middle of the floor in his room. Even in time out he's so cute and pitiful that it's hard not to laugh sometimes.
It's been a crazy 20 months but Eli makes it all worth it. He's awesome.