Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Totally tubular.

Poor Eli had to be taken to the hospital to have tubes put in his ears. Originally, they gave us a 12:15 surgery time, which meant he would have to miss two meals and cut into naptime. We were pretty annoyed by that knowing that the morning would most likely prove brutal to get through. We were fortunate on two fronts, the hospital bumped our time up an hour and Eli was totally amazing all morning. He didn't complain about being hungry once. In fact, the only thing he really complained about at all was the hospital smock he had to wear for the surgery. He wasn't a fan of that at all. The doctors said he didn't fuss at all, just looked curious about everything. Sure, he was a little cranky when he came out of it but who doesn't feel that way after being put to sleep. We tried to feed him when we got done but he just ended up puking all over the kitchen floor. He went down for his nap and after sleeping for 4 hours he was like his old self again. This video was taken shortly after. What a little trooper. :)