Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Monday, February 18, 2008

Growth Spurt

I think our little boy is in the middle of a big growth spurt. One of the things we have been very lucky with is that Eli really isn't very fussy. When he does get amped up, it's usually hunger-related or because he is overly tired. The last few days he's been like Kobayashi at the Hot Dog eating contest, going after food at every opportunity and chowing down as if he would never get the chance again. He has also really started sleeping through the night pretty well (knock wood) and his mom is getting quality rest.

Eli was also very pleased with the Tar Heels' defense this weekend against Va. Tech and ecstatic about Dook's ugly loss to Weak Forest. Speaking of dribbling...he has graduated to the constant use of a bib because the drool is out in full force. Before long, almost every shirt I have will start showing the telltale signs of a drooling baby on the left shoulder so it might be time to hit the Old Navy for some cheap shirts.