Eli just celebrated his first Halloween! You're looking at the pictures right now, thinking "What's he supposed to be...a dinosaur with a broom?" The broom is not part of the costume. He was just a little dinosaur, one of many little dinosaurs. That must be the only costume for kids under a year old. The broom was part of his cousin's witch costume. Eli has a deep devotion to cleaning equipment like brooms, swiffers, and vacuum cleaners. He gets that from his mom. The broom was a great distraction for him and he just wouldn't give it up. I had no idea how many little kids lived close by and our neighborhood orchestrated a really cool little costume/pumpkin contest for them at 6pm. At the end of each age group's little 'parade' everyone bunched together so all the parents could play paparazzi for a couple minutes. As soon as the parents started snapping photos Eli took a few steps forward and just stood in front of everyone soaking up all the fame and attention that he could. Look at the second picture above for proof. Uh oh. We might have a risk taker AND an attention seeker.
Welcome. On November 16th, 2007, Rebecca and I were thrown into the wild world of parenthood head-first (at least Eli was anyway) and all of a sudden our family was three. This blog is as much for ourselves as it is for anyone else who would read it because it's hard to remember to write in a baby journal and this is a convenient way to keep track of Eli since he is getting more active by the day.