There are definitely new developments in Eli-land. The one that might be having the most impact on us right now is teething. He is having a little tooth explosion right now including some molars. I'm hoping that and a recent ear infection are the main things at play behind some of his tantrums lately. Right now, all he wants to do is go outside. He strolls up to the door and, like our dog, looks back and forth between it and us. Then he will start saying "UP!" Every once in a while he'll say "Out thigh," his word for outside. When it becomes clear to him that it is not going to happen Rebecca and I brace ourselves for the full-on meltdown.
In other, more positive news Eli is starting to get the hang of utensils. He likes to spear beans with the fork and most of the time he will bring the fork to his mouth to eat the bean. It starts out that way at first and then he realizes that he can eat faster if he spears the bean, takes it off the fork with his other hand, and shoves it into his mouth. He is good at thinking outside the box. The spoon is quite a bit messier so we are going to roll with the fork for now.