On the less fun side of things, Eli contracted a nasty virus that tore through our daycare and struck down almost everyone, even the daycare provider. The parents of each sick child got the virus as well so Rebecca and I feel like we are just waiting on the inevitable. Toddlers don't understand to puke in a container so it's especially messy when they are just walking around the room throwing up on everything. It's super pitiful. For three days we hardly left the house so there was a nice dose of cabin fever thrown in there as well. As of yesterday we think Eli is on his way back to form; he was able to hold food and liquids down even though he was very picky about what he would eat. Since the daycare is pretty rough right now he is hanging with an aunt and grandmom for a couple days. It's the first time Rebecca and I have really been away from him for an extended period of time (they live in a different city) so our morning routine was a little strange and sort of sad in a way. Hopefully he's feeling like his old self today and having a good time with the fam.