Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Tuesday, March 25, 2008


On Friday we had our 4-month doctor appointment. It was just a routine visit for a check-up and some vaccinations. Other than some dry skin, everything looks great with him and he did amazingly well with the shots. He wailed hardcore for about 20 seconds and not a peep out of him after that. We probably won't start introducing solid food for another couple months to cut down on the allergy risk part of it (since he already had traces of eczema, for lack of a better word). I have allergies so if he gets them it will be from me. (Sorry little guy!)

The last time we had a check-up Eli was in the 25th percentile for head, 75th percentile for weight and 90th percentile for height. This time his head was the same, his weight is now in the 50th percentile and he is in the 97th percentile for height. 97! If he ends up being a tall kid he will definitely have gotten that from his mom's side of the family.

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