Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Tooth #1!

Eli drools a lot. He also likes to eat his hands. For the last couple of months, people have been saying, "he's probably cutting a tooth." No, actually he just drools a lot and likes to eat his hands. Now, the wait is over and there is a good reason for all that drool and the extra fussiness. Eli has his first tooth! It's a little more toward the center of his mouth than the arrow indicates. Every time we try to get a good look at it he just sticks out his tongue. He's going to look so different with teeth! We'll see what this means for breastfeeding. Poor Rebecca.

1 comment:

Alison, Chris, Davis and Ryan Cieszko said...

Hi Bill, Rebecca, and Eli!
It's Alison! Eli is SOOOO darn cute!!! Rebecca, he's got your face shape, yet he has all of Bill's dark features! What a ham!!! I could eat him up! We, too, are enjoying's really an experience! I wanted to send you a link to our website so you could see the baby. You guys look awesome together as a family! Congrats on a beautiful baby boy!

Alison, Chris, and Davis Cieszko