Ever since we got back from July 4th vacation down at Pamlico, Eli hasn't quite been himself. He's usually a great sleeper but he's be waking up a lot during the night and he's looked really tired during the days as well. On Tuesday he had a fever of 102 and combined with all the tugging he was doing on his ears I thought for sure he had an ear infection. He's had one before and I had them chronically as a baby. Our doctor visit ruled that out and I guess he just has some sort of virus. He's back at daycare after Rebecca and I each took a half day off to say with him yesterday. All this could also be due to teething, which seems to be the catch-all when no one has a clear idea what's going on.
Eli figured out the squeaker toy on his exersaucer this morning... it was the last little toy on there he hadn't really used yet, mainly due to the force you have to use to get the squeak. When he did it and Rebecca and I cheered for him he did it a few more times for good measure. I think he just liked the cheering and smacking rather than the squeak but it was still fun to watch.
Oh, and he also said 'da-da' this morning. There was zero meaning to it as he was just making noises but it was still really cool to hear. He's said 'ma-ma' a few times before so it was nice to even the playing field a little. Not that Rebecca and I are competitive people or anything like that. Heh.
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