Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Aaaack! He's a little boy!

Look at that kid! Holy crap. He's no longer this helpless little infant who just wakes up long enough to eat. Well, maybe we still have to feed him and change his diapers for him but he's got opinions. He wants his bojangles on gameday just like dad. He likes Brown Bear much better than Panda Bear. He's got places to be and things to try and climb on. The cats are to be headbutted at all costs.

He's pointing at things now but he does it with two fingers, like a stewardess. Maybe it's emphatic pointing, like he's pointing twice as hard. It really looks like he's flashing a 'peace' sign at everyone, which is pretty cool. We can say, "Eli, where's the fan?" and he will look up and point at the ceiling fan. Neat.

We've seen him take 12 steps now without keeling over. It's really can see him getting better at it every day. He spends a lot of time standing up now so it won't be long before he's running around at full speed. Christmas-time should be interesting.

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