We are pretty sure that Eli has taken to signing for "more." It looks a lot like him clapping but it all comes down to context. Either he is incredibly excited about finishing the cheerios or he's asking for more. If you've seen this kid with cheerios you know the answer. Usually when he finishes I ask if he wants more and do the sign. He starts clapping so I'm counting that for now.
He is walking all over the place and his latest "uh-oh" development is that he's learned to climb into the chair in the den. The other day I turned my back on him for two seconds and when I turned back around he was standing in the chair staring at me with a gigantic grin on his face. Now whenever we have something that has to get done with two hands he has to go in the high chair. Nothing else can contain him.
We've made a bit of a shift in the food department toward a soy-based formula. Man, that stuff stinks but hopefully it will be a little kinder to his digestive system.
Eli is 11 months old today!
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