This is a time of food transitions for us. The formula is going away and we are switching Eli to milk now. That change seems to be going alright for the most part. We are also going from bottles to cups which is more of an issue but he's getting there. Eli's newest stance on solid food is that he wants whatever we have. If we go stand in the kitchen near the counter, he understands that food comes from the kitchen so he runs over and starts signing, "more! more!" It doesn't take long for that "more" sign to become outright arm flailing as the anticipation is just too much for the little guy to bear. He is also at a stage where he does not want to be fed, he wants to do everything himself and if he can't he gets pretty frustrated. He also doesn't like to sit in the chair very long so dinnertime is always sort of a crapshoot. I'm hoping the turkey at Thanksgiving will have the same effect on him that it has on nearly everyone else so that he will take a decent midday nap and his dad can yell what he wants at his underperforming fantasy football players.
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