Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Friday, December 18, 2009

I love you, Mommy.

Ahh, the holidays.  Christmas trees, green and red, family, gifts, and great food.  Oh yeah, let's not forget communicable disease.  Groups of little kids become amazing germ distributors, so if you have a toddler, he or she WILL get sick.  No two ways about it.  Our little guy is sick right now.  It's made all the more pitiful by the fact that he can verbalize how he is feeling now.  When you hear Eli, who is 100 miles an hour all the time, say something like, "Daddy, I'm really tired." at 4pm you know something is amiss.  It's not all negative though...  He does become a little more snuggly and last night he whispered in Rebecca's ear, totally unsolicited, "I love you, Mommy."  It was so incredibly sweet that I can't believe she didn't start crying uncontrollably right then and there.  Get well soon, Eli!  We need you full force for the holidays.

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