Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

5 months old today!

Our favorite little buddy turns 5 months old today and guess how he is celebrating? By putting his snot on anyone who gets close enough. I think he succeeded in getting both Rebecca and I a little sick as well. We can't complain though, since he's been such a healthy little guy so far. He is continuing to make progress on sitting up but he still eventually topples over like a Jenga game.

He is tall for his age (so far) and most of his pants make him look like Rafael Nadal. If we got him longer pants they would be too big for him in the waist. Luckily the weather is getting warmer so it shouldn't be much of an issue. He has almost graduated from his size 2 diapers as well. Our little guy is growing up! Pretty soon he'll be conjugating verbs and signing up for a 401K. It all happens so fast, according to other parents. Happy 5-monthiversary, Eli!

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