Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Monday, April 14, 2008

Eli takes a field trip/The only reason to go to Duke

Saturday was one of the few days that we didn't really have anything planned for, beyond installing a heating/cooling unit in the garage (that was lovingly donated to us by one of Rebecca's coworkers) only to discover after unfurling the cord that it was a 220 plug. Idiotic, but I digress. Rebecca wanted to take advantage of the good weather and take Eli to Duke Gardens. It was actually the perfect day for it because the colors are most pronounced on overcast days. We loaded up the car and off we went.

Eli had a really good time...he smiled a lot and besides all the trees and plants that were fascinating for him there were tons of people there for him to watch. The Wisteria plants were out in full force but I have to be honest, they don't smell that great close up. Unfortunately, Eli seemed to catch the sniffles after we got home and I'm really hoping it's not allergy related. We did cruise by hundreds of different kinds of plants, after all. I thought airborne allergies showed up after a couple years. Anyway, there has been a sick kid at his daycare this week so that could be the source. He's just really snotty and we had to use the Noser quite a bit to clean him out. The Noser is actually an aspirator, a little suction device to get the snot out of their nose or mouth. I refuse to call it an aspirator; Noser seems more baby-like.

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