Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Friday, October 29, 2010

A Dash of Halloween

What a great couple of months its been! Eli has celebrated his cousin Grady's 1st birthday and the birth of his first female cousin. Lily's arrival has spurred lots of questions about being a "brudder." We're sorry to disappoint you Eli, but there are no plans for a brudder or sister any time soon. It's all about you! Speaking of you, you love to sing except during music class. Eli makes it about 15 minutes into music class and then it is obvious he would rather be running, jumping or anything physical. Not only does he want to be moving, he wants to be moving fast. It is only fitting that he will be Dash from The Incredibles for Halloween. On Monday Eli moves across the hall at daycare and will be on the playground with the big kids. 

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